Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pick me up

After a long few days, I needed a good pick me up.
School, work, and life can get so crazy sometimes.
What I have learned is the best way to rejuvenate is some good ole'
My sister introduced me to this video and I LOVE it. 
I mean how could you not get happy.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Quick recap

It seems like this blog is all about recaps, but I promise I am going to be more consistent. 
There is so much that has happened recently, I dont even know where to start. 
I'll make it quick.

  • Had a fun week in San Clemente with my family to finish off summer
  • Moved back to Provo and into our little apartment
  • Trying to make this apartment cute and our little home
  • We're both trying to figure out how to balance our lives, school, and work
  • Getting ready to welcome a sweet little nephew courtesy of Mr. B's sister and brother-in-law
  • Lucky me had another little medical procedure. It just wouldn't be right if I didn't start the semester off without one. 
  • Had an encounter with Emily the bachelorette and Jef with one F. (creeper status)
  • Most recently, we had a fun surprise weekend trip to NYC, thanks to my mom and dad, to see off my sister and her family. (Still havent quite come to terms with this one yet.)
  • And we just hit our 5 month mark today! My how time flies

  • Life is good, we are having fun while still trying to figure out this crazy marriage thing! 

    This girl sure makes it tempting to have a little one, but we can wait a little longer. She is perfect.
    Uncle Bran and Uncle Ry waking her up mid sleep

    They are off to London today. Still can't believe it
    Beautiful rooftop view for the party

    Friday, June 22, 2012

    Happy Birthday Hot Stuff

    I would like to wish a very happy birthday to my one and only..  and very favorite sister!

    We we did fall asleep this way, and no it wasn't the first time

    This woman is the best sister I could ever ask for. 
    I wish we were closer, but for now skyping every day will after do. 
    She definitely knows how to cheer me up and be my best friend. 
    Love you seesterrr.

    Here's a little something to give you a quick laugh

    Wednesday, June 6, 2012

    Viva la Cancun

    Mr. Bledsoe and I were able to escape for a week to beautiful Cancun, Mexico for our honeymoon.
    Growing up, My family and I would go to Cancun every year, so I was excited to go back with my new hubby!!
    We basically played at the beach and pool all day sipping on our pina coladas.
    Let me tell you, we were living the life.
    We got an amazing couples massage that I wish I could be back at right this moment,
    We went into town a few times to experience the REAL Mexican experience (we prefer the beach side experience, although it was very fun),
    By accident, we took about a 2 mile walk back to our hotel on the beach. 
    We were able to hear all of the sea doo company's shpeals about how their sea doo was the best,
    But most importantly we were able to spend time together as newly weds, relax, and just have US time.
    Overall it was such a wonderful trip.
    Unfortunately, We both forgot cameras, so all I have to show are some iphone pics.
    Our first night out

    A few dolphins that joined us at dinner one night

    Saturday, June 2, 2012

    Meet Mr. And Mrs. Bledsoe

    So it's official.. We tied the knot on May 5th and it was amazing! 
    Everything about it was perfect. 
    I have so much to say, but just do not know how to. I'll give a quick recap of our wedding and then let the photos do the rest of the talking.
    So the week before our wedding went by so fast! I had so much to do and every day seemed to be shorter and shorter. The festivities began on Wednesday:
    Wednesday: My Sister, Brother- in-law, and their cute baby girl got in town. First stop for them.. Cafe Rio. 

    Harps with lalu and her favorite aunt!
    Me and Baby Harp getting WELL acquainted.. Love her so much
    The girls mainly played, picked up some decorations and did a little shopping here and there, while the boys all went golfing.
    The boys on one of their many golfing outings 

    Thursday: A little bit more of the same thing, and then that night by very best girl friends from high school got in town along with my brother and his sweet girl friend. Me, my sister, my sister-in-law, and the rest of the bridesmaids all went out for a delicious dinner in Salt Lake to Settabello. If you haven't been, it;s a must! AMAZING Italian pizza and gelato that is to die for.
    Once again the boys did some golfing.

    Friday: Started with an early wake up call around 4:45 to get ready for the temple that morning. My mom, my sister, Mr. Bledsoe, and I all went to the Mt. Timpanogos temple at 6a.m. for the 8a.m. session. This was such an amazing experience. All of my family and all of Mr. B's family was there in support of me. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. After the temple the boys of course went golfing, and the girls headed to the salon. We were able to rush and get our nails done and get ready before the rehearsal dinner that was held at Sawadee Thai restaurant, in Salt Lake City. 
    The way my plate was filled, you would have never thought that I was getting married the next day

    It was such a fun and special evening with all of our family and friends. 
    There was laughter, tears, kisses, and delicious food. 
    My wonderful new in-laws put the evening together and it couldn't have been more perfect.
    That night, Mr. Bledsoe and I parted our separate ways.
    I was able to have one last great night with all my family and my girl friends that flew in from all over. 
    That night, I went to bed with no problems. From all the non-stop action I had had the past few days, I was down for the count.
    My love
    A few of the cousins with Gma & Gpa Williams

    There were so many left overs for all to take home 

    Saturday: When people say that their wedding day was the most amazing day of their lives,  you kind of ignore them and think oh how cliche. But SERIOUSLY, this day was the best day of my ENTIRE life!!!! 
    So it started with yet again another early wake up call and a hair appointment. Once the hair was done, it is a little bit of a blur. The whole time Me and Mr. B were planning on heading up to the Temple together. Well... when my dad and brother heard about that, they were not going to have it. They said that that was not tradition and that me and Mr. B had to meet each other there. Well let me tell you, Mr. B was not very pleased. I was finally able to talk him into it and I finished getting ready with my mom. 

    At around 10:30, my mom and I headed up to Salt Lake. 
    Parking of course was a hassle, but we figured it out. I was all ready to go and see Mr. B and the second I saw him I knew was still not very happy from driving up alone. And BOYYYY did he let me know. I think with all the stress of the week and change of plans, he just couldn't act like it didn't bother him. So the first thing that I got to hear from him, let me remind you ON OUR WEDDING DAY, was not how beautiful I looked, or how much he loved me, but this is what I got.
    "You know you really frustrated me." 
    You can only imagine how I reacted.
    Finally I realized well I'm marrying this man today so I better drop what he said and move on and that's just what we did.
    Those wedding nerves sure can get to ya haha
    I love Mr. Bledsoe more than anything in this world!

    So our wedding ceremony time was 1 p.m. however we had to arrive an hour and a half ahead of time to get ready and be with one another. I was able to drive up with my mom and she was able to help me get ready. There is no one else I would have rather helped me than her. I look up to her and adore her more than anyone will ever know.
    Okay so around 12:30 they escorted me and Mr. B to the waiting room where we were able to talk and reflect with one another. As the time was getting closer, Mr. B was getting more quiet. By the time it was 1:00, he was silent. You could tell he was pretty nervous. As for me I was a chatterbox, I was ready to get this show on the road.
    Another side store-- we were walking into the sealing room when all of a sudden we heard some funny accents, we look over and we saw and were able to meet President and Sister Uchtdorf. I think because of that experience Mr. B knew this was so right and he relaxed just in time for our sealing.
    Our actual ceremony was amazing, but to be honest I could not tell you one thing that was said. So much was running through my mind, but everyone around us told me it was great.
    So I'll take their word for it

    After our ceremony as we walked through the doors to meet our family and friends I felt so blessed. I was so happy. I had finally married the love of my life. And I could not wait to show him off to everyone, as my official husband. There were so many people outside the temple waiting for us. It really was such an incredible moment.
    That night we had our reception at Highland Gardens, and it was everything I had dreamed of and more. 
    Thanks to my amazing sister, sister-in-law, and my brother's girl friend for making it perfect! They were the ones who took my ideas and made them real.
    Everything turned out amazing. I was a little skeptical of what it would all look like once it was all together, but the flowers were gorgeous, the cake was the most amazing cake I had ever seen (just being honest), the decorations all fit in where they were supposed to. I know I keep saying it and I'll probably say it 10 more times but it was the most perfect and amazing day of my life.
    Our beautiful cake
    Mr. B's Grooms cake

    Beautiful Highland Gardens

    That night we were able to see old friends, and meet new friends. We danced the night away while kissing in front of everyone and you know what.. I didn't even care one bit!! 
    Mr. B's youngest brother was unable to be at our wedding because he is serving his full-time mission in Long Beach, California. However, he was there in all of our hearts and minds. 
    We left through a tunnel of sparklers and made our way to our hotel in Salt Lake, Hotel Monaco. It was such a fun hotel and then the next day we were off to beautiful Cancun, Mexico. 
    Unfortunately I forgot all the cameras at home, but thank goodness for iphones.

    After our stay in Cancun for a week, we made our way back to my hometown in Plano, TX for some fun times with my family and more friends at an open house there. Our week in Plano was so much fun. We were able to have my mom all to ourselves for the first couple of days while my dad was in New York picking up my sister and my beautiful niece. He came back with those two and then on Friday Mr. B's parents were able to come out for the open house. It was a blast. We ate good food, some tex mex and real BBQ, hung out, and had some good times.

    I am so blessed with the family I was born into. They are the most amazing people I have ever met. And I was continually blessed with the husband I have and his family. There truly is no better family to marry into than the one I did. 
    Now that we have been married almost a month, which I just cannot believe, life has started to somewhat settle down. We made our way out to California, where Mr. B is from, and we are living here for the summer. He was given the opportunity to intern out here, so it worked out great! We have had so many fun times in our marriage so far, I cannot wait for the rest!!
    And now time for some pictures

    Brother's duties:)
    Love these two women

    My Family

    Mr. B and his parents (Unfortunately, we have not gotten our photos back, so I only have limited choices)
    Me and my girls

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012

    Time sure has passed fast

    So a whole lot has happened in the past few weeks since I have posted. 
    To begin, I had a 9mm kidney stone that had to be surgically removed. 
    That sucker put me through some pain.. mmmhm. 
    Luckily I had Mr. Bledsoe to keep me company and take good care of me. 
    Gotta love him. 
    Also I finished the semester! It is about time!!! 
    And then I went home to Dallas, Texas for a week to spend some final time with mom and pops. 
    After all the fun and games I got back to Utah this last week, and what do I know. 
    I cannot believe how the time has flown by. It seemed like it was just yesterday when we were dying over the fact that we were going to have a six month engagement.
    Mr. Bledsoe will never forgive me for that. 
    Well I will give you a sneak peak of some of our pictures. 

    The next few days are going to be CRAZY!! My sister, brother-in-law, and adorable niece are flying in tomorrow, and then on Thursday my brother and his cute girl friend, and my very best friends get in! 
    I will be sure to post on the wedding moon and b-e-a-utiful Cancun! 

    Wednesday, March 21, 2012

    Spring Sickness

    After this entire winter of freezing weather and colds going all around
    my body decides to get one now.
    Me and Mr. Bledsoe are heading to California tomorrow and I can only pray it goes away by 6 a.m. tomorrow.
    For now I will continue taking the vitamin C and tylenol cold.
    As I sit in class and sniffle and blow my nose I feel very bad for the people all around me.
    please please forgive me

    Friday, March 9, 2012

    Friday picks

    Time for some of my favorite things.. 
    some of these I have had my eye on for quite some time,
    and unfortunately-with my minimum wage job, and college student status-I'll continue to just have my eye on them.
    A girl has gotta dream, right?

    This ring
    I love the ideas of turning different household items into a chalkboard.
    My favorite dog that one day Mr. Bledsoe will agree on getting 
    And as I am sitting at work, eating my apple, I wish I was eating one of these
    Take me to New York please

    Have a good weekend

    Thursday, March 8, 2012

    mormons.. more about them

    I came across this interesting fact sheet today. It made me happy and proud to be a member of the LDS church.

    Some more articles that I have been loving to read are the latest GQ articles on Mormonism. Go here to check out these articles written by Dayna Clark.