Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Viva la Cancun

Mr. Bledsoe and I were able to escape for a week to beautiful Cancun, Mexico for our honeymoon.
Growing up, My family and I would go to Cancun every year, so I was excited to go back with my new hubby!!
We basically played at the beach and pool all day sipping on our pina coladas.
Let me tell you, we were living the life.
We got an amazing couples massage that I wish I could be back at right this moment,
We went into town a few times to experience the REAL Mexican experience (we prefer the beach side experience, although it was very fun),
By accident, we took about a 2 mile walk back to our hotel on the beach. 
We were able to hear all of the sea doo company's shpeals about how their sea doo was the best,
But most importantly we were able to spend time together as newly weds, relax, and just have US time.
Overall it was such a wonderful trip.
Unfortunately, We both forgot cameras, so all I have to show are some iphone pics.
Our first night out

A few dolphins that joined us at dinner one night

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are adorable. You look like you should be in a Coca-Cola advertisement in the last pic. Love ya pooks!
