Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Time sure has passed fast

So a whole lot has happened in the past few weeks since I have posted. 
To begin, I had a 9mm kidney stone that had to be surgically removed. 
That sucker put me through some pain.. mmmhm. 
Luckily I had Mr. Bledsoe to keep me company and take good care of me. 
Gotta love him. 
Also I finished the semester! It is about time!!! 
And then I went home to Dallas, Texas for a week to spend some final time with mom and pops. 
After all the fun and games I got back to Utah this last week, and what do I know. 
I cannot believe how the time has flown by. It seemed like it was just yesterday when we were dying over the fact that we were going to have a six month engagement.
Mr. Bledsoe will never forgive me for that. 
Well I will give you a sneak peak of some of our pictures. 

The next few days are going to be CRAZY!! My sister, brother-in-law, and adorable niece are flying in tomorrow, and then on Thursday my brother and his cute girl friend, and my very best friends get in! 
I will be sure to post on the wedding moon and b-e-a-utiful Cancun! 

1 comment:

  1. I loved your wedding events. What a memorable week it was. Can't wait to hear all about and see your photos of Cancun!!
