Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pick me up

After a long few days, I needed a good pick me up.
School, work, and life can get so crazy sometimes.
What I have learned is the best way to rejuvenate is some good ole'
My sister introduced me to this video and I LOVE it. 
I mean how could you not get happy.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Quick recap

It seems like this blog is all about recaps, but I promise I am going to be more consistent. 
There is so much that has happened recently, I dont even know where to start. 
I'll make it quick.

  • Had a fun week in San Clemente with my family to finish off summer
  • Moved back to Provo and into our little apartment
  • Trying to make this apartment cute and our little home
  • We're both trying to figure out how to balance our lives, school, and work
  • Getting ready to welcome a sweet little nephew courtesy of Mr. B's sister and brother-in-law
  • Lucky me had another little medical procedure. It just wouldn't be right if I didn't start the semester off without one. 
  • Had an encounter with Emily the bachelorette and Jef with one F. (creeper status)
  • Most recently, we had a fun surprise weekend trip to NYC, thanks to my mom and dad, to see off my sister and her family. (Still havent quite come to terms with this one yet.)
  • And we just hit our 5 month mark today! My how time flies

  • Life is good, we are having fun while still trying to figure out this crazy marriage thing! 

    This girl sure makes it tempting to have a little one, but we can wait a little longer. She is perfect.
    Uncle Bran and Uncle Ry waking her up mid sleep

    They are off to London today. Still can't believe it
    Beautiful rooftop view for the party