Sunday, February 26, 2012

Caught in action

As you all know the Academy Awards is on tonight.
There is no better way to watch them then with something delicious and sweet in your stomach, right?
Mr. Bledsoe surprised me and whipped up his famous banana creme pie!
yes please
I guess I don't know everything about him yet. Surprises everyday!

Now it is time to enjoy these beautiful gowns, fancy hair dos, and cheesy speeches


Saturday, February 25, 2012

I found the perfect one!

So great news...
Now not only do I have the perfect man, but today I found the perfect wedding dress!!!
Mr. Bledsoe is DYING to know what it looks like.
He is just going to have to wait until May 5th!! Good thing its not too far away.

Now that I've found the one I can relax and catch up on my One Tree Hill.
yes it is still on TV and yes I am one of the few loyal fans

Friday, February 24, 2012

Here we go

Day 1: we met
Day 304: he popped the question  
Day 472: we're getting married
The rest is history. All I know is that I am madly in love!
Mr. Bledsoe and I are engaged and ready to get this show on the road. I am looking forward to the many adventures we're going to have.
